Helpful Bogs and Articles
Community Outreach
Stewards of St. Thomas of Villanova Volunteer at Calvary Cemetery of West Conshohocken
On June 25th, 2024, Calvary Cemetery in the heart of West Conshohocken, PA was visited by volunteers from St. Thomas of Villanova and Mother of Good Counsel Parishes. The group of volunteers, comprised of students in Grades 6–8, camp counselors, and adult chaperones, all assisted with grounds maintenance and cleanup as an act of service to their community.
Volunteering & Giving Back
Volunteering is a powerful way to give back to your community, enrich your life, and make a lasting impact on others. It allows you to connect with others, develop new skills, and contribute to causes you care about. Whether you’re looking to make a difference, meet new people, or simply spend your time in a meaningful way, volunteering offers a pathway to personal fulfillment and community betterment.
10 Essential Travel Hacks
Traveling is an enriching experience at any age, but for mature adventurers, it can present unique challenges. Whether you're exploring new cultures, revisiting favorite destinations, or embarking on exciting adventures, a little preparation can go a long way. We’ve listed ten essential travel hacks tailored specifically for mature travelers to ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.
Hobbies & Activities for Active, Older Adults
As the years advance, maintaining an active lifestyle becomes increasingly important for overall health and well-being. For nearly 75% of older adults, engaging in hobbies and activities is not only a source of joy and fulfillment but also a crucial factor in promoting physical, mental, and emotional health. From invigorating outdoor pursuits to stimulating creative endeavors, there is a diverse array of activities perfectly suited for active seniors.
Staying Mentally Fit: Practices for Brain-Boosting Mental Health
Our brain is a remarkable organ that plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Just like physical fitness, mental fitness is equally important. Whether you're young or old, incorporating brain exercises and healthy habits can help keep your mind sharp and agile. In this article, we'll explore evidence-based practices to enhance cognitive function and maintain mental fitness.
Healthy Aging Hacks
As we journey through life, maintaining our health and vitality becomes increasingly important. Aging gracefully isn’t just about genetics. It’s about making smart lifestyle choices that support our well-being. From adopting a nutrient-rich diet to staying physically active and mentally engaged, there are numerous hacks to help us age healthily.
Finances and Planning
6 Strategies to Maximize Your Social Security Benefits
Social Security is a crucial income source for most peopleaged 65 and over. However, the average monthly benefit payment of $1,710.78 (perthe Social Security Administration as of November 2023) may not be enough to coverrising living costs. Below are some things you can do to get the most out ofyour benefits.
Debt-Free Living in Retirement: Strategies and Tips
Retirement is a time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, but for many Americans, debt can cast ashadow over those golden years. The dream of retiring debt-free may seem elusive, but with carefulplanning and smart choices, it’s possible to achieve financial freedom even after leaving theworkforce.
Honoring Your Personal Legacy
In the realm of end-of-life planning, pre-need services haveemerged as a pivotal means for individuals to assert control over their finalarrangements, ensuring that their departure is in line with their personal wishesand legacy. Today we will delve into the multifaceted ways pre-need servicesempower individuals to tailor their end-of-life plans, offering a farewell thattruly reflects their life and values.
Navigating End-of-life Conversations
Navigating end-of-life conversations can be one of the mostchallenging yet essential discussions we face. These conversations are crucialfor ensuring that a person’s wishes are respected and that their final days areas comfortable and meaningful as possible. Here are some key considerations andstrategies for navigating these sensitive discussions.
Importance of Planning Ahead
Planning ahead for cremation and burial services might not be at the top of your to-do list, but it is one of the most thoughtful and considerate actions you can take for yourself and your loved ones. By making arrangements in advance, you provide peace of mind, ensure that your wishes are respected, and can even save money. Although it may be a difficult topic to approach, taking the time to organize these arrangements can alleviate a portion of stress during an emotional time. Here’s why planning ahead is essential and how it can benefit you and your family.
Estate PlanningEssentials
Estate planningis a crucial aspect of financial management that often gets overlooked. Itinvolves making arrangements for the management and disposal of a person’sestate during their life and after death. Proper estate planning ensures thatyour assets are distributed according to your wishes, minimizes taxes, andprovides for your loved ones. Here are some essential components of estateplanning and why they are important: