Services in Iowa

Memorial Park Cemetery

Memorial Park Cemetery

6605 Morningside Ave
Sioux City, IA 51106

Want a Free Tool to Help Plan a Funeral?

Planning a funeral in Iowa, whether for yourself or a loved one, can be difficult and stressful. aims to help simplify the process with a free checklist of items for your consideration. This checklist includes selecting a burial option, noting funeral service preferences, readings or songs to be included, and suggestions for how to make it personal.

If you would like advice and help on planning a funeral in Iowa, complete this brief form now to receive your free tool via email.

Funeral Planning Checklist

List of Locations in Iowa

Iowa has a number of excellent options for burial for you or a loved one.

One of our favorite Iowa cemeteries is Memorial Park Cemetery in Sioux City. Twice named an All-American City by the National Civic League, Sioux City is a perfect representation of the Great Plains States. It's a cultural hub for the state, playing host to the largest outdoor music festivals in the mid-west, and sits at the head of the Missouri River, adjacent to multiple parks and historic landmarks. Covering 88 acres, Memorial Park Cemetery is known for its Tower of Legends landmark. In addition to traditional ground burials, the cemetery has garden and lawn crypts, cremation niches, and mausoleums. It even has a miniature castle.

Choosing an Iowa cemetery from the list below is an important decision, but it does not have to be a difficult one. If you or your loved one have specific preferences, that can help narrow your choice. Such factors to consider include proximity to family or favorite areas, preferred amenities like a community mausoleum or memorial benches, and whether you find the area appealing and peaceful.
